Journeying in the wilderness : forming faith in the 21st century /
Terri Martinson Elton.
- 1 online resource (226 pages)
- Word & world books: theology for Christian ministry ; v. 7 .
- Word & world books. .
Welcome to the wilderness : embracing the call -- Finding dynamic stability : GPS for the journey -- Discerning the trail : on the way -- People on the move : #LivingAbundant -- Travelers gathering and scattering : sanctuaries, campfires, and outposts.
Faith formation in the church setting is contextual, and multiple forces are coming together today to create seismic contextual changes at record speeds. For the church to take seriously its call to form faith in each generation, it must be attentive to current contextual realities. Terri Martinson Elton places a confessional understanding of fiath in dialogue with five context-altering forces in order to provide a pathway for congregations to reimagine fiath formation in the midst of twenty-first century realities.--back cover.